TikTok Ban Nepal: How To Use TikTok In Nepal

Technical Gorkha
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Nepal's government has finally banned TikTok in Nepal. Government makes a statement saying it was disrupted social harmony in the country. World most influential social media and video sharing application was banned because of violating terms and conditions. And also government has decided to ban, as company needs to regulate the use of social media platforms which was disrupting social harmony, goodwill and also flow of indecent materials. How To Use TikTok Ban Nepal?

Reason Behind TikTok Banned In Nepal

However, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister Narayan Kaji Shrestha made an announcement following a cabinet meeting. They also said to making social media platforms accountable, the government asks the companies to register and open a liaison office in Nepal. Companies has to pay taxes and comply by the country's laws and regulations.

Why did TikTok Ban Nepal?

However, Nepal government has decided to make the platform accountable. Here is the reason why is TikTok being banned?. The company had refused to comply with Nepal's request. They did not respond immediately to an email. TikTok has been banned in many countries because of cybersecurity and potential privacy concerns. Countries has fears that the Chinese Communist Party  can use the social media app for spying or propaganda. Despite company denying that they never shared the data with the Chinese government and would not do so.

NTA (Nepal Telecommunication Authority) has written a letter to Internet Service Provider (ISP) to block all the access to TikTok after a Cabinet meeting in 13th November. The company has also written a letter to the NTA expressing their dissatisfaction.

The pros and cons of TikTok Ban an Nepal

So, lets talk about pros and cons of TikTok ban in Nepal. Does Nepal government have done good job or not.

The cons

1. Small Business
While, these days many small stores or Business are getting customers by online. They share their products on online platforms like TikTok. Business started sharing their products, ideas on TikTok to get a customer. Like TikTok was the best video sharing platform to sell their products in the form of short video.

2. Content Creator
The creators who engage on making video on TikTok is banned from the place. Most of the creators in this platform between 18-25 who generating incomes through their content. Creators who makes a video on the topic on how to use effect, themes and publish on YouTube. All shorts of creator are directly affected on ban of TikTok in Nepal.

The pros

Although TikTok is a video sharing platform, users seems to be promoted violence, pornography, hate speech and harassment during their live and shorts video. TikTok is not as refined as other social media like YouTube, Facebook in terms of copyright strike and community guidelines. According to recent report there is total of 1647 cybercrime report has been registered or reported to TikTok in last four years in Nepal

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How to use TikTok Ban Nepal?

Yes TikTok can be still using in Nepal with VPN server.  Despite TikTok is banned in Nepal we can still use it with the help of VPN applications installing in our mobile and desktop. VPN is a virtual private network which connects your computer and mobile into private server owned by VPN provider. VPN establish a virtual network that encrypts personal data, hide your IP address and can browse from another location.

How to use VPN and use TikTok Ban Nepal?

There are thousands of VPN services provider from where we can connect and use them. VPN like Nord VPN, Turbo VPN, TunnelBear are the most trusted service providers. You can easily download it from play store and app stores for mobile and desktop. After installing VPN you can connect the different country's server where TikTok is not Banned. However most of the service are free but has limited data speed and bandwidth. To use it for full speed and unlimited data and bandwidth users need to upgrade plans which may charge $2-$15 monthly according to service providers.

TikTok Banned Countries List 2024

We know that TikTok is banned in different countries but don't know exactly How many countries banned TikTok? Here are the list of countries that banned TikTok.

  • Afghanistan
  • Australia
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Denmark
  • The Netherlands
  • India
  • Nepal
  • New Zealand
  • Norway
  • Somalia
  • Taiwan
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
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